How To Protect Your Windows From Weather Conditions

Tori Klein • January 21, 2022

It’s the stormy season and you are worried about your windows. The last thing you want is calling for window replacement Fort Worth. In that case, your best option is to protect your window.

Severe weather can cause serious damage to your house. If the windows break, staying in that house will be very hard.

Luckily weather forecasters always predict extreme ones. A little wind or rain should not cause much concern. But winter storms, tornados, dust storms, and hurricanes should be a good cause for alarm.

Here are a few things you can do to keep those beautiful windows safe:

Window after cyclone

Cover With A Security Window Film

A security window film may not sound like the ideal solution for these situations. However, you may be surprised at how effective it is. Besides, it's something you pick when you are in a hurry and facing the storm already.

Polyester films are sticky on the glass.  If it smashes, you won’t see thousands of pieces flying into the house. Always use adhesive glue that bonds to the surface.

After the storm, replacing the glass should not be hard. Besides, some films provide UV rays protection. It’s an idea you can also apply during those hot seasons.

Roll Down The Storm Shutters

Most windows in extreme weather regions come with storm shutters. You may have seen them already. Areas with natural disasters probably have specialized shutters.

You will find them in a wide range of shapes and sizes. While they have these differences in shape, they serve one purpose – protecting your window.

Shutters are the way to go if you don’t want to be calling home window repair Fort Worth. In fact, it’s one of the recommended methods from the CDC.

Use High Impact Glass

Modern windows can use high-impact tempered glass. It features two glass glued together using a polymer chemical. They are then heat-treated to make it compressed and stronger.

With tempered glass, you have a few reasons to look for window repair Fort Worth. They can handle more stress, even during those extreme weather.

Using Plywood

If the tempered glass is not within your means, add plywood to your window. You can cover them from outside when you sense the storm.

Plywood is cheaper and stronger than glass. They need some preparation though. You may therefore have to buy it much earlier. As your experts in window replacement Fort Worth TX they may offer more tips.

Now that you know what to do for your window, you can rest easy. Extreme weather threatens everyone. You won’t suffer a very big blow with this knowledge.

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