When Should I Replace My Commercial Garage Door?

February 10, 2023

A commercial garage door is an entrance to your business area and hence, plays a crucial role in securing the place. A few years after your initial garage door installation in Fort Worth, you may start noticing some issues with it. Constant repairs may have become too much, and now you are wondering what to do.

Blue Garage Door

The best way to handle such issues and ensure security for your premises is to install a new door. Replacing the old one might save you a lot of money. But that begins with knowing the signs of a beaten commercial garage door.

Consider the following signs:

Old Age

The most obvious indication that you need a new commercial garage door is old age. If the current one has been operating for several years now, it may have seen the best of its years and now needs a rest.

Like any other part of the house, garage doors have a specific lifetime. Depending on the door material and maintenance, it could be 10, 15, or 20 years. Areas with severe weather conditions often require exterior upgrades and replacements much sooner.

Regular Break Downs

Have you been calling doors and roofing companies Fort Worth for repairs on your garage door more times than usual? It could be a cry from your door that it needs a rest. Repairs may help temporarily, but you should think deeper when they become too much or more expensive than installing a new door.

You might be surprised to discover that installing a new door is actually much cheaper in the long run. A repair never guarantees that the door will hold for a long time. Therefore, when the door starts breaking down too often, call in your door specialist to get a new one in place.

Severe Damages

Water damage, vandalism, and accidents may damage your commercial garage door beyond repairs. Call your door repair Fort Worth company for a thorough assessment and recommendation. But even before calling the experts, you can always tell when a door is beyond saving.

Perhaps someone rammed into it, breaking it completely. Such conditions call for nothing but a complete replacement of the door.

You Are Upgrading Your Business

When you call a siding service to upgrade your property’s exterior, they will also look at other parts of the property, including the garage door. The siding installation companies will also recommend an upgrade on the doors to meet the standards set for your beautiful home.

Or, maybe you are expanding your business, and you need a wide garage door. You cannot stretch the existing one but replace it. That gives you a new door and a bigger space to conveniently run your business.

A Break-in

Has someone broken into your business area through the garage door? It could be a sign that the door is no longer secure. A replacement or upgrade could be the best solution to ensure nothing like that ever happens again.

Apart from these signs, there are many other reasons people change garage doors on their commercial premises.

Call us if you need to learn more or have seen any of the signs above. We will replace the door and restore your confidence.

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